Issues we are working on

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Issues we are working on

Empowerment and nutrition links (survey July 2015) and WELI tool developed
Policy (consultancy; proposal and abstract prepared)
Capacity development
Strategic research (e.g. ownership study etc)
Gender in hubs (work with Pratyusha + gender integration funds with KIT)
Gender in Climate Change (will do with Post-doc)
Gender analysis of raw data from situation analysis
Planned for 2015:
Integration in technology: gender in feed
Empowerment (paper on GTA, gender analysis and empowerment, participatory empowerment pathways)
Social media for gender transformation (Well Told Story)
Global study?
Ideas for could also do:

  • Species VC complementarity (submitted in a couple of proposals)
  • How do we ensure women are not excluded as traders when quantities are larger? Can we facilitate their transportation? Do they mostly stay in the informal system and smaller system? Can we change that? How? understand gender dimensions in trading, who does what and who is in the formal and informal, implications, opportunities,
  • Check the monitoring data to assess who sells to whom, see above. Mine the data from a gender perspective.
  • Why membership in farmers groups is dominated by men? Because these groups are essential for hubs….women’s exclusion vis-à-vis their roles in livestock can be problematic
  • Do some qualitative research based on the results of the hh survey
  • Appreciate health issues in the producer-traders-consumers short value chain that might be in place when women produce and sell in their neighborhood….Can we address safety and handling issues with women producers, informal traders and consumers?

Gender capacity assessment and development

  • Completed data collection.

Participatory epidemiology

  • Differential gender impacts of animal diseases in small ruminant production in Ethiopia
  • Co-facilitate training on participatory epidemiology

Sheep fattening

  • Three students have collected data on sheep fattening in three contexts: rural, urban and peri-urban. Annet and Wole I will be analyzing the data and co-author manuscripts.
  • Engendering the Feed Assessment Tool

Planned activities:

  • Introduction of GTA approaches
  • Writing 2 manuscripts from sheep fattening study
  • Community-based sheep breeding evaluation study: Data collection has been done by a consultant (hired by ICARDA). Annet and Wole will be analyzing the gender related issues/questions.

Done in 2015
Genderdised the survey to assess adoption of good pig husbandry practices
Planned for 2015:
Lit review of gender to see the emerging gender issues in the Vietnam livestock or pig VC
Gendered analysis of existing situation analysis and scoping study of the VC
Gender dimension of decision-making for price preferences based on existing data
Ideas for could also do:
Do gender and risk in terms of animal health? Maybe in 2016 with KIT?
Cap dev for partners 2016?
Identify issues of comparison with Uganda?
Genetics? (work with Karen)

Cap dev of partners
Gender in feed preferences?
Strategic research on determinants of decision-making (Mangheni’s paper)
A draft GTA tool to tease out gendered constraints in acceptability and adoptions of pig feed rations and water intake (Carter)

Planned for 2015:
Gender in hubs (new project with TZ)
Ideas for could also do:
Compare gender in hubs in TZ and UG?
Overview of main gender issues in the VC?

Planned for 2015:
Overview of main gender issues in the dairy VC? (Violet to aggregate Adithi’s outputs)
Gender and institutional settings (Thanammal’s PhD)


  • Cap dev
  • Benchmarking tools adapted to Nicaragua
  • Gender analysis from raw data from benchmark
  • Strategic Research (ownership of resources, assets portfolio)

Planned for 2015:

  • Local media for GTA (Radio Vignettes on masculinity)
  • Assets portfolio article with PIM and WLE
  • Local gender capacities assessment

Ideas for could also do:

  • Cap dev for local partners in 2016- following the local gender capacities assessment
  • How to ensure the inclusion of gender issues in CIAT´s forages work by the team?
  • Differences between women and men´s assets/resources portfolios can generate ideas on innovations that can strengthen women´s roles in the VC without increasing their workload (for example, improving their cheese production instead of involving them in additional cattle farming activities).
  • Other GTA through local media

Integration of gender in MEL



Gender Capacity Assessment for SPVCD/ILRI Uganda

R.Ochago 28 April 2015 16:14:27

After an intense period of preparations, we can finally say Gender Capacity Assessment for SPVCD/ILRI Uganda partners’ kicks off with TI tool comprehension at ILRI Uganda office. Well done to all the team behind this noble cause. Millicent and Violet arrived safely. I am very excited about the key informant interviews at Royal suites hotel, Kampala on the 30th April, 2015.