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On this page we share toolkits, manuals and methodologies for conducting gender research and integrating gender in other programs developed and produced by other practitioners who are not members of this CoP. Members are encouraged to add tools, manuals or methodologies they have experience with and have found useful.

A series of gender research methods developed by IFPRI:

Gender in Value Chains: Practical toolkit to integrate a gender perspective in agricultural value chain development
Angelica Senders., Anna Lentink., Mieke Vanderschaeghe., and Jacqueline Terrillon. Agri-ProFocus Learning Network
Online version and Book version

Doing basic gender analysis for your project using Gender Analysis Tools
A brief review of these tools
|Download the tools

|Understanding and Integrating Gender Issues into Livestock Projects and Programmes – A checklist for practitioners

Gender and Assets Toolkit
Gender Agriculture and Assets Project (GAAP) led by IFPRI and ILRI
Overview of the gender and assets toolkit
|Download the toolkit

[[File:Measuring_Womens_Economic_Empowerment_Guidance.pdf |Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment in Private Sector Development: Guidelines for Practitioners]
Guidelines commissioned by the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) Working Group on Women’s Entrepreneurship Development