Useful links

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Useful links

This page contains links to sites that members have used and found useful for gender related research. These could be interesting articles, online platforms, webpages, discussion papers or working papers.

CRP phase 2 proposals:

CGIAR’s new strategy and research programs: Answering to poverty, health and climate change

Training material

Pathways Learning Platform: Resources and activities to help you teach and learn

Online platforms

Gender and agriculture: A weekly round-up of news, resources and events related to gender & agriculture Curated by CGIAR Gender Network

Gender in Value Chains: Agri-ProFocus Learning Network

World Bank gender data portal

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) gender platform

Working Papers

The Center for Gender in a Global Context at the University of Michigan has a series of working papers posted on-line. Some of the papers might be a little old (The postings stop in 2012) but they may be useful.

The Gender Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science of the University of London has a series of working papers that are free and can be accessed online. They also have a list of recently published books and affiliated journals related to Gender.


the CCAFS Gender and Food Policy Blog

How gender sensitive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) can support women's empowerment as well as reporting on it

Five arguments to include women in dairy chain development

13 Empowering Stories of Women in Family Farming

Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) social gender blog


Why women are key for successful dairy value chains